A father, a lover, a man

Hello, friend… long time no see! But I could not let this day go by without updating you with some of the latest news about my life… it is Valentine’s Day, after all, and who can be better suited to share her two cents on Love, if not the LoveLabourer?I am the happy and sometimesContinue reading “A father, a lover, a man”

The Luminance of Aura

I have been procrastinating on writing this piece for over half a year now… That is how strong my inner mechanisms and machinations of self-sabotage can be, once they set their mind to it. And in spite of the many drafts, I never managed to bring myself to even scratch the surface of what “beginnings”Continue reading “The Luminance of Aura”

The Revolution of Self-love

Today, I don’t want to write. I don’t want to speak. I don’t want to work hard. Today, I want to do something else. I want to rebel, I want to disobey, I want to be silly, I want to be naughty. I want to play, I want to have a cheat day. A physical,Continue reading “The Revolution of Self-love”

The Gardener of Eden

In my beautiful country, folk wisdom teaches us, “make Heaven of what you have”. Today, more than ever, I believe our Romanian proverb to be an excellent illustration of the mindset we should have, coming into this world. One of humbleness and gratitude for all the available resources, as well as powerful manifestation and mindfulContinue reading “The Gardener of Eden”

The dilemma of a wish

I have always been a glass-half-full kind of person. I was accused, on occasions, of having perpetuated what could be defined as “toxic positivity”, more specifically, dismissing all negative emotions and disregarding sorrow or pain as illegitimate. Which is why I found it rather challenging to truly open up and stop avoiding and postponing thisContinue reading “The dilemma of a wish”

Breaking through self-judgement

A few years ago, when I has my first birth chart reading, the astrologer revealed to me that I had Lilith in the sign of Scorpio, in the first house (The house of Self). He summarised by saying that I was my biggest enemy. The voice in my head is overly dramatic, petty, passive-aggressive, controlling,Continue reading “Breaking through self-judgement”

Growing wings

Once upon a time, there was a light, joyful and careless five-year old, whose mother – a free, bubbly and romantic fireworks display of a soul – had taught her to hum classical opera arias. She was happily giggling at the magnificent wonders that the Universe surrounded her with, and she had not a worryContinue reading “Growing wings”