Manifesting with the Universe

11/11. Described as a Master number, an Angel number, a Guidance number, a Soulmate number, 11/11 is an energetic portal through which dormant potential awakes into unlimited opportunities and generates new beginnings. Its vibration indicates a passage into a new dimensional frequency, a shift towards our Higher Self and the divinity within, towards our capacity of creating, of manifesting new beginnings of harmony, abundance, conscience and love.
11/11 is a reminder of the Law of Attraction, a notice from the Universe pointing out that everything we can imagine is real. A reminder that our 3D experience, our daily reality is a product of our own making and that we have the right and the power to change what no longer serves us and welcome new experiences that grow us into who we’re meant to be.
Two weeks ago, I embarked on Deepak Chopra’s 21-day Abundance Challenge and I was surprised to discover that all it takes to turn your life around is a little practice, a constant contact with your desires, a committed training of mindfulness that starts with a realisation. That you have the immense, unhindered capability of stirring your life in the direction of your choice, and the only thing stopping you is your mind saying: “I can’t”.
Self-doubt is so ingrained into our being, that we hardly ever realise the level of self-sabotaging we expose ourselves to… were we to understand that we alone are the enemies of our success and accomplishment, we would be far more careful about the negativity we allow our egos to whisper into our minds and poison us with.

I had the chance of starting my day with an 11/11 meditation and self-awareness exercise that I would like to share with you, shall you be interested to make the best of today’s beneficial energy and fill yourself with infinite possibilities, in a few easy steps:
1. Start by free-writing for 11 minutes about everything your heart dictates, that brings joy into your life, things that exist in your present and you want to bring into your life in the future.
2. Re-read what you wrote and identify the keywords and activities that stand out.
3. Pick three of the best keywords and activities that resonate with you and write them on a distinct sheet of paper. Put your right hand on your heart and repeat for each word: “I allow myself to feel/do (your words of choice).”
4. Close your eyes and visualise for 11 minutes on what your life would look like once you welcome this beautiful energy in.
5. In light of your meditation, write a clear and brief intent for what you want to manifest into your life, in one sentence.
6. With your hands in prayer position (Anjali Mudra), thank your Higher Self: “I am One; I create my highest life where all my desires are fulfilled. Thank you, thank you, thank you!”
In the process, the three concepts that emerged as fundamental for my wellbeing and happiness were DANCE, LOVE and CONNECTION. Suddenly it dawned on me that the reason dance has become such an essential part of my life is the wonderful man I was writing about a few months back. By being such a gentle and considerate dance partner, he brought me back to my soul, helped me trust the connection established between souls in motion and triggered a profound change in my understanding of my body, of the 3D experience, and of Love.
Since I know he is reading these lines, I want him to know I am humbled and grateful for every experience he has enabled me to have, meeting him was a wonderful and transformational gift, received with much anticipation of my 30th birthday.
The life I envision to have as of today, November 11th at 11:11a.m. is one of soul-to-soul connections, of emotional transparency, of shared experiences, of togetherness, of joint contribution to the Universal Good, of celebration of life’s countless blessings, of boundless gratitude for the abundance that flows freely, in and around me. I am confident in my capacity to create this reality, I allow myself to experience love, I allow myself to grow my connections, I allow myself to dance to the sound of life happening.
It honours me to continue sharing glimpses of my journey with you, fellow friend, hoping that you will find the inner strength to silence your ego and to tell yourself “we don’t have time for this negativity”. When you realise you are worth the trouble of making a change, go ahead and embrace your deepest desires, listen to the yearnings of your heart and take that necessary leap of faith of transforming possibility into reality.
To conclude, I will share the outcome of my 11-minute free-writing, so that it may inspire you to begin your own 11/11 transformation and ascension to a higher version of yourself, where you are fearlessly moving in the direction of your dreams.
“I like to sing, dance, sit in nature, watch trees, hear birds chirp, smell the earth and the grass. My heart rejoices at the touch of small animals, birds, kids, and kind, warm and good people. I’m made happy by smiles, laughter, discovering something new, sitting in silence and being grateful for all of Universe’s gifts, for peace, for harmony, for hope, for love, for the present moment.
I like sharing good food with someone I love, telling stories, learning and exploring each other’s souls, establishing ties based on trust, balance, compassion, love, admiration, mutual support and respect; I rejoice when people open up to me and share what they feel, when they offer me the privilege of being by their side on their life’s journey. I am happy to feel useful and appreciated for my usefulness (we serve) and to experience the dignity of a profound and nurturing soul connection.
I like experiencing my body in motion, through dance, sex, passion, and dynamism, and through the senses and sensations that I am able to perceive, which make my heart and my life vibrate. I like feeling touch, hugs, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual contact, I like to enjoy life and to celebrate its gifts. I like to believe in myself, in people, in abundance and in Divine love”.


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